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George Harrison Video Collection |
By Mike CarreraA fan recently asked which was the best Harrison “promo clip compilation” and my response was: NONE to date (official or bootleg).
A good effort was the one by the DVD-R bootleg label FAB Productions, who released a 3 disc set many years ago. The downside point is that many videos there, comes from TV broadcasts with station logos, missing slates, low quality on many clips, and missing dozens of versions and adding clips from concerts or TV shows, or even fake fan-created videos.
In 2016, the European bootleg label BFB/Wonderland/Walrus Entertainment was a direct copy of the FAB’s 3 DVD-R collection from 2010, even with the same menus.
So, to date, no bootleg label have released the ULTIMATE compilation.
On the official side, we have three boxes including a few, but not all of Harrison's videos: ‘
The Apple Years![]()
’, ‘
The Dark Horse Years![]()
’ and “
The Traveling Wilburys Collection![]()
![]() |
The DVD from the Dark Horse Years boxed set was also released as a standalone DVD some time later. |
The problem with those videos on the official releases is that the original audio of many of them have been replaced by the commercially remastered versions, replacing the original mixes, and the bootleg labels have copied exactly THAT version because of the high visual quality. Sometimes, however, the video is also different from the original version and the bootleg makers and some of the fans haven’t noticed it.
This is a humble research of all available Harrison official videos, including the alternate versions and variations, many of them uncirculated or unbootlegged to date, as well a few revelations and stories TOLD and published FOR THE FIRST TIME. Any corrections/mistake reports are so welcome.
YouTube links are illustrative only, not the researched sources. Almost all videos are 4:3 ratio and a few are 16:9 Widescreen, but for some settings reason, my “photo capture” tool copied all in 16:9, simply ignore this.
Mike Carrera
My Sweet Lord (live)Sadly, no official video for this song was ever filmed, but the live performance from The Concert for Bangladesh on 1 august, 1971, directed by Saul Swimmer was plugged many times over the years on TV channels, the only difference with the film is that the video features a fade out after George says “Thank you..thank you”. The best quality source for this was probably when the film was re-released in 2005 and the clip was shown many times on music channels like MTV and Much Music.
Many bootleg compilations use a "manufactured" video from the UK TV show "Top of the Pops" from 1971, where the dancing troupe Pan's People did a choreography for this song. This very same footage was used on another fake youtube video for “My Sweet Lord (2000)”, editing some footage from the “All Things Must Pass 30th ” EPK and, at some point inserting the Pan's People footage. Bootleg labels have released it over and over but there is NO official video for the re-recorded version as well there is no one for the original. In The Netherlands, another popular TV show from the 60’s and 70’s: TopPop, produced a “video” in 1970 using some photographs taken from the "Let it Be" book plus some other footage, but again, no official Apple video was ever made.
Both clips from the shows "Top of the Pops" and "TopPop" are available.
Another FAKE fan-created video for the song “Give me Love (Give me Peace on Earth)” is available on some bootleg compilations, be aware it's not a real promo video although it uses very rare 8mm footage. And we have not counted the version from Live in Japan 1991 (included on the official ‘The Apple Years’ box) as a promo video.
Dark HorsePromotional video filmed with a brief but live performance (lasting only 1:53) during rehearsals for the 1974 U.S. tour. Available with a countdown “slate” in good quality among collectors or low quality at youtube and some bootleg compilations. It was omitted from the official box ‘The Apple Years’.
Video linkDing Dong, Ding DongThe video was directed by Harrison and filmed by Nick Knowland at Friar Park, Henley-On-Thames, George’s mansion. For the video he once again wore two Beatle suits: the grey collarless suit and the Pepper uniform.
The common version available on almost all bootleg compilations comes from the Australian RAGE music TV show from a 90’s rebroadcast (with Logo and credits over the image), but a clean copy is available among collectors.
Video LinkWhen it was released on the official ‘Apple Years’ box, although restored to best possible visual quality, there is a mistake during the restoration: the first two seconds shows the picture decolorized and at the third second, the image goes black for a moment; this visual problem has nothing to do with the master copy being damaged or something like that, since the original print that is available or the rebroadcast on RAGE and other TV specials over the years didn’t have this problem, so, if we want the best and complete version, sadly it’s not on the official box.
Video Link1976
Crackerbox PalaceFilmed at Friar Park, Henley-On-Thames. Directed by Eric Idle (Monthy Python/The Rutles).
Cameos from Monthy Python’s : Eric Idle, Neil Innes, Michael Palin, John Cleese and Graham Chapman, among others; plus Olivia Arias in black lingerie (at 2:23) .
Video LinkTrue LoveFilmed at Friar Park, Henley-On-Thames, also directed by Eric Idle. For some reason it wasn’t included on the official "The Dark Horse Years" boxed set.
Another video deemed "best" version around is taken from the Australian video show RAGE (with the logo on screen at some point plus the credits of the song), but a CLEAN version with correct color (Rage’s version is saturated, even if it seems better) is available among collectors.
Video LinkThis Song (Variation A)This Song (Variation B)Directed by George Harrison and Michael Collins for Rosebud Films. Cameos from Ron Wood and Eric Idle (both dressed as women /Monthy Python’s characters), Jim Keltner (future drummer for the Traveling Wilburys) as the Judge, Neil Innes, among others.
Two slightly different versions are available: Variation A shows the credits for “This Song” over the intro while Variation B is clean and can be found in top quality on the ‘Dark Horse Years’ box, and sadly is the common version that appears on most recent bootleg compilations leaving out the original version which is available in very good quality and also have the outro credits for “Rosebud Films”.
Video Link1979
Blow AwayDirected by Neil Innes (Monthy Python/ The Rutles) . Contrary to what’s written on the book "Eight Arms to Hold You" that the film was shot by early March 1979; the promo was in fact filmed by the end of November or early December 1978 and the first master was assembled by the end of 1978 but was put on hold until next year and it seems a "fix" was made since the new slate, mastered on February 21, 1979 says "Final Mix". Still, the audio is the same as the "1978" version, the only noticeable "difference" could be that there is a Warner Bros logo at the intro plus a very quiet cue "beep" which can be heard before the song starts, plus, once again a Warner Bros logo at the end with the 1978 copyright, and the "1979" version does not have the Warner Bros logo intro or finale, but is exactly the same audio mix and video edit.
Another video that was omitted from the official “Dark Horse Years” boxed set.
Video LinkFasterFilmed between February 4 and April 8, 1979 at the Grand Prix races in Sao Paulo, Brazil; Kyalami, South Africa; Long Beach, USA and some shots also apparently filmed in Milan, Italy and other unidentified car races. George's chauffeur in the video is Formula 1 driver Jackie Stewart, although is not verified if these scenes were filmed in England or in one of those other countries.
Contrary to what’s been reported, this video was not filmed at only one F1 race in Brazil, and also was not broadcast March 20, 1979, since the single wasn't released until July, more car races were filmed in April and some scenes can be seen on the video. It’s not confirmed that George attended also the South African race, but at least there is much footage from that day included on the video.
George was in fact at the Long Beach race since footage exists and he was also in Brazil from the last days of January and until February 9, visiting Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Very rare interview footage from an Argentinian reporter was filmed at the beach in Guarujá, Sao Paulo with George and F1 driver, Emerson Fittipaldi, footage is available. The interview was made in “cooperation” with Emerson who asked George first if he wanted to do a four question interview (which ended with more than 7). The interview is mislabeled in some sites or even the Argentina TV re-broadcast as from 1977 but in fact it's from early February 1979 since George says there is a song on the new album about car racing and (the new album) "will be available at the end of February" (footage exists also from another interview he did for the TV show ‘Fantastico’ plus another interview for a musical magazine and tons of pictures of George with fans at the hotel, airport and the Grand Prix).
Video Link1981
All Those Years AgoCompiled by Ron Furmanek using Beatle archival footage and pictures. The video is available clean (without any credits over it) and very good quality among collectors
This is the original version, beware of fake videos created by fans saying "official video", which are also available on YouTube.
Video Link1985
Save The World (Greenpeace version)Directed by Ian Weiner and does not feature any George footage but Greenpeace people “at work”. This is the re-worked version that George did for the Greenpeace benefit album.
Video Link1986
Shanghai Surprise #1 Long VersionShanghai Surprise #2 Short VersionProduced by Handmade Films, Filmed at Friar Park, Hanley-On-Thames where George and Vicki Brown recorded their vocals and is mixed with scenes from the film.
Long Version has the full (5:20) recording, and the short (4:40) version (included on the ‘Dark Horse Years’ box set) cuts out 40 seconds of music and more scenes from the film but gladly there are no more scenes with George on the missing seconds. Short version is available in amazing quality and long version in only medium to good.
Video Link1987
Here Comes The Sun (Prince’s Trust)A performance from the Second Annual Prince’s Trust Concert TV special (the show was filmed June 6, 1987 at Wembley Arena, UK), this clip was broadcast many times on music TV Channels as a separate music video.
Got My Mind Set On You ARCADE VERSION:#1 (Copyright over the video)
#2 (Without copyright over the video)
Filmed in London, Directed by Willy Smax. Two variants are available, #1 has the copyright credits over the video near the end while version #2 has the copyright credits after the video is finished. This second version (without slates and copyright credits) was also included in top quality on the ‘Dark Horse Years’ box set.
Video Link#3 (Raw Edit A)
#4 (Raw Edit B)
Also available among bootleg and video collectors are two raw edits of the same video: Raw Edit A is SIMILAR but not the same as the released version, it has many different angles and scenes that were removed from the final version, specially a different dance sequence from the ballet ballerina.
Raw Edit B shows only the ‘band performance’ without any of the arcade video, plus there is no ballerina. A few scenes from this version were included as well on the final cut, but same as Raw Edit A, there are many differences with the released version. Here’s a sample of RAW Edit B. The finale on both Raw Edit A and B is completely different as well to the released version, showing George and the band singing in front of the camera.
Video LinkGot My Mind Set On You HAUNTED HOUSE/CHAIR VERSION:#1 (Edit A- “Dancer tired”- Copyright over the video)
#2 (Edit A- “Dancer tired”- Without copyright over the video)
#3 (Edit B)
A second version filmed in Los Angeles, Directed by Gary Weis. Two different versions plus one variation are available. #1 has the copyright credits over the video near the end while #2 has the copyright credits after the video is finished. This is the less known version where George’s double, the dancer has a longer sequence after his routine, he jumps into the chair and it gets tired for a few seconds and later the video returns with the real Harrison. Edit B or #3 don’t have this scene, after the dancer jumps into the chair, we see George immediately playing his guitar. This is not the only difference between Edit A and B, there are more scenes of the “haunted” house and the animals singing on Edit B while on Edit A we see more Harrison footage playing his guitar.
Edit B was also included in top quality on the ‘Dark Horse Years’ box set.
Video Link1988
When We Was Fab-When We Was Fab #1 (Edit A- Copyright over the video)
-When We Was Fab #2 (Edit A- Without copyright over the video)
-When We Was Fab #3 (Edit B)
Filmed at Greenford Studios, London, mainly on 18 Dec 1987 but some cameos were filmed on different days that December, plus some in January 1988. Directed by Kevin Godley and Lol Creme.
Cameos from many musicians that also participate on the Cloud Nine LP on this innovative video for that time include: Ringo Starr (who appears through all the videos); Jeff Lynne and Ray Copper playing the violin; Elton John putting a coin in a cup while he is being "robbed" by one of George’s hands. During the near final sequence of this video, while George multiples himself and many characters are passing through (12 to be exact), we can identify more stars that played on the LP: Bobby Kok (cello), Gary Wright (piano) who also looks like Jim Horn (sax) (same look and hair of both of them that December), Vicki Brown (backing vocals), Jeff Lynne (again) and behind him, Jim Keltner, although another bearded musician known as "slowhand" is also a candidate and participated as well on the recordings for this LP, but the final scene is really hard to watch and the other characters are also hard to identify, but there are four women and eight men.
Paul Simon (who didn’t play on the record) also appears pushing a fruit cart during the middle of the video.
A man who looks like (the sideburns don’t match with his looks from that year, or before or after, but let’s say it’s him) Neil Aspinall (The Beatles friend/Road manager and Apple manager for many years) also appears in the key point of the video (definitely NOT Julian Lennon or Phil Collins as reported): holding John Lennon’s Imagine LP while George is playing in the back with Ringo on drums and a mysterious Walrus playing the bass, recreating those Fab days "together" again John, Paul, George and Ringo… or something like that!
The story of "The Walrus Was Paul" is very well known, so we don’t need to get deeper on that. Also, well known is that Paul is NOT playing the bass wearing a walrus suit on this video. George once told as a joke that Paul was indeed in the video under the walrus suit, and years later Paul answer the same question from many interviews (one, his own Club Sandwich magazine) saying that he wasn’t available on that date (he did some studio recordings) and he’s NOT the man under the walrus suit… but the direct question was: “is that you under the Walrus suit on the “FAB” video?”, when in fact it should have been: “Did you participate in the "FAB" video?”. And the answer would have been: YESSSS! (If Paul’s mood was in a "myth-breaking" mood)
This is another of those "Beatle-Jokes" that we will never get a YES or NO as a direct answer from them, same as the "Paul is Dead" rumor, among others.
Paul was not available during December 1987 because he was busy in the studio and also making some TV promotion in France and Germany for the "All The Best!" collection, but Director Kevin Godley (a friend of both George and Paul who has directed many of his videos over the years, as well as Beatle projects) managed to film him on a different day and year (plus many more cameos and characters were filmed separately as well) and include THAT over the FAB video. To date, no book or web page has published this info but Paul IS in the FAB video! He appears during the "reunion" sequence looking towards "the band", so we can’t see his full face. This scene is so obvious: Paul appears only during the "Walrus" joke and by the time he passes in front of the Walrus, he turns his face against the man in the costume, like watching the Walrus play. Oh, one other thing, his appearance was distorted to complicate things even more, so recognizing him will be harder!. But any fan that knows every "look" (hair, face, way of walk, etc, etc) of the Fab’s over the years or any girl with a crush on him, will find this task not hard at all. (Another incorrect theory floating around: Paul is NOT the hippy-dressed guy who’s head is out of the frame and with a large beard around 2:40)
Paul’s cameo was filmed the second week of January 1988 (two weeks before the post production of the video was finished on February 3, 1988), while he was doing some sessions for the Flower in the Dirt LP. This fact can be verified comparing Paul’s length of his hair. It wasn’t that long during the December 1987 promotion but is THIS long (as he appears on the “FAB” video) during the January footage and pictures that exists plus some TV promotion during February. Check the pictures to compare, just to validate the info that, until today, nobody has published.
This was another "Beatle-Joke", a different clue that was planted on purpose and when the fans were looking directly at the man in the walrus suit playing the bass, the REAL McCartney would appear in front of all of us and nobody would notice him!!
Undocumented but Two different Edits plus one variant are available.
#1 (Edit A) has the copyright credits over the video near the end while #2 (Edit A) has the copyright credits after the video is finished. This is the version that is also available on the official ‘Dark Horse Years’ box set (without slates or copyright credits) , sadly they didn’t take care about the original audio, with effects like the sound of the van when Ringo arrives, the coin falling, the apple being bitten, the drunk guys, etc, and were ERASED using the remastered audio track. Bootleg compilations also use THIS version (because of his high quality), so if we want the original version, sadly it’s not on the official box or the recent bootleg compilations.
Video LinkAnd #3 (Edit B), being the rarest version barely circulated and features two different sequences against Edit A:
EDIT A: From 2:45 to 2:47 a woman appears from left to right partially covering George. While on EDIT B there is a different scene.
EDIT B: From 2:45 to 2:46 no woman appears and we keep seeing George and from 2:46 to 2:49, a couple of dunk guys appears from left to right partially covering George. Also blocking two seconds where Ringo appears from right to left carrying a piano.
And the second difference between the two edits:
EDIT A: From 2:56 to 2:59 the same scene of the two drunk guys (see Edit B 2:46 to 2:49) appears but reversed, from right to left, while on EDIT B we have another notable difference.
EDIT B: From 2:57 to 2:59 from right to left , the same drunk guys appears but using a completely different scene.
This is Love-This is Love #1 (Copyright over the video)
-This is Love #2 (Without copyright over the video)
Directed by Morton Jankel. Filmed while on vacation at his Maui, Hawaii home. Olivia Harrison make a cameo along with his family. Variant #1 has the copyright credits over the video near the end while #2 is clean and is the same version available on the official ‘Dark Horse Years’ box set.
Video LinkTRAVELING WILBURYS:Handle With Care-Handle with Care #1 (1988 Copyright)
-Handle with Care #2 (1989 Copyright)
-Handle with Care #3 (Australian)
-Handle with Care #4 (Cropped)
Filmed in Los Angeles, CA. Variant #1 has the 1988 copyright credits over the video near the end while #2 is clean but when the video ends there is a 1989 copyright, so, the first version was distributed late 88 and second in early 89, still, both are the same in visual content.
#3 was broadcast in Australia on the RAGE TV show and everything is the same except for the final seconds, from 3:06 to 3:14, where the white truck with the Wilburys logo appears, the speed for this final sequence runs SLOWER, while on the normal version (#1 or #2) the truck moves from right to left faster, on the Australian edit it goes slower and ends before the woman on the bike appears, but the audio track has no differences at all, the same speed, no alterations.
#4 was released on the official Traveling Wilburys Box set, simulating a widescreen version but cropping picture from top and bottom.
Bootleg compilations also use THIS version (because of his high quality), so if we want the original version, sadly it’s not on the official box or the recent bootleg compilations.
Video Link1989
End of The LineEnd of The Line #1 (Edit A -Copyright over the video)
End of The Line #2 (Edit A- Without copyright over the video)
End of The Line #3 (Edit B)
Filmed in Los Angeles, CA shortly after Roy Orbison’s death. Directed by Willy Smax. Again, two different edits and one variation available.
Edit A Variant #1 has the copyright credits over the video near the end while Edit A Variant #2 is clean. Edit B is available on the official ‘Traveling Wilburys’ Box set.
And the main difference between Edit A and Edit B is the intro and finale where the train
was removed from Edit B showing footage of the Wilburys instead, plus, Edit B is in widescreen showing even more picture on the sides that is not present on the first edit but again, is also cropped on top and bottom, still, this was NOT a 4:3 to 16:9 transfer (like “Handle With Care”), since the master video tapes were used and we get different scenes (intro and finale) and full picture on the sides. Bootleg compilations also use THIS version (because of his high quality), so if we want the original version, sadly it’s not on the official box or the recent bootleg compilations.
Video Link1990
Nobody’s ChildDirected by Derek Hayes for the benefit album Nobody's Child: Romanian Angel Appeal. It does not features the actual Wilburys, but animated cartoons along with footage from orphanages in Romania. This is the only Wilbury video omitted from the official deluxe box from 2007 and 2016, but it’s in circulation complete with slates and in very good quality. The youtube clip don’t reflects any of that! But due to copyright issues, almost all Wilburys videos were removed and only the official channels are active.
Video LinkShe's My Baby-She’s My Baby Version #1
-She’s My Baby Version #2
Directed by David Leland. Two different versions available. The second was released in 2007 on the official Traveling Wilburys box set and is 80% distinct from the original version from 1990. It features not only different angles but also scenes from another take(s). This second version is little bit shorter and cuts the final scene of the man “chasing” the Wilburys aboard a car.
Bootleg compilations also use THIS version (because of his high quality), so if we want the original version, sadly it’s not on the official box or the recent bootleg compilations.
Video LinkVideo LinkInside Out-Inside Out Version #1
-Inside Out Version #2
Once again, two different versions available. The second was released in 2007 on the official Traveling Wilburys boxed set and is 80% distinct from the original version from 1990. It features not only different angles but also scenes from another take(s). This second version is 23 seconds shorter and the audio mix uses the remastered track, while the original audio version from 1990 has an instrumental/orchestral warm-up intro behind a red curtain and the sound of claps at the end (removed from Version #2).
Bootleg compilations also use THIS second version (because of his high quality), so if we want the original, sadly it’s not on the official box or the recent bootleg compilations.
Also in circulation is some rehearsal footage (mislabeled on ALL the bootleg releases as being “outtakes” or “alternate version” for the “She’s My Baby” video, which is incorrect) and also behind the scenes and raw footage from the actual shooting.
Video Link1991
Wilbury Twist-Wilbury Twist Version #1
-Wilbury Twist Version #2
-Wilbury Twist Version #3
Filmed in Los Angeles, CA. Three different versions available. Version #1 and #2 (the rarest of the two) have a similar format but alternates distinct footage and cameos from special guests:
John Candy, Eric Idle, Cheech Marin (Cheech and Chong), Whoopi Goldberg, Woody Harrelson , Milli Vanilli, Fred Savage (The Wonder Years), among others. Both versions are available in very good quality and clean of logos and credits among collectors. Version 2 is only available on bootleg compilations taken from a music TV channel with logo and credits over the picture.
Version 3 only features John Candy and Eric Idle over the intro using the same footage from Version #1, the other cameos were eliminated, but the rest is a completely new edit using different angles and takes and was released in 2007 on the official “TW” box set.
Outtake footage from an unreleased alternate edit (fourth version) that only shows the Wilburys playing also exist.
Video Link2003
Any Road Directed by Simon Hilton and Pamela Esterson using archival footage from the Harrison State, include some very rare and never before seen clips.
Video Link2004
Taxman (The Dark Horse Years) If you search under the official George Harrison YouTube channel, many of the "Live in Japan" clips extracted from the ‘Dark Horse Years’ box set are labeled as "official video", but only one of the songs from the 1991 Japanese tour was actually released as a "promo clip" for TV airing and it was ‘Taxman’. This clip was sent to promote the release of "The Dark Horse Years" box set.
-Living in the Material World-Sue Me Sue You Blues (demo)-Miss O’Dell (alternate version)Three videos created for the “Living in the Material World” deluxe edition (CD/DVD) re-release in 2006.
-What Is Life Directed by Brandon Moore, winner of the Genero.tv contest to create the official video for the song.
The Singing Rebel’s Band: Freedom (Promo Version)Directed by Dick Clement for Handmade films, produced by Harrison for the film ‘Water’.
Billy Connolly (vocals), Chris Tummings (vocals), The Singing Rebels Band: George Harrison (guitar, backing vocals), Ringo Starr (drums), Eric Clapton (guitar, backing vocals), Chris Stainton (bass), Ray Cooper (drums), Jon Lord (keyboards), Mike Moran (keyboards), Jenny Bogle and Anastasia Rodriguez (backing vocals).
The actual promo video for this song is available in regular quality and unbootlegged to date and consist of the same "performance" from the film and a mixture of many scenes from the movie, but the audio over the intro is clean and slightly different, when in the film we can see and hear an actor saying “My God it's The Concert for Cascara!” (a parody of ‘The Concert For Bangladesh’). Also, actor Fred Gwynne (Herman from The Munsters) who also appears on the “Water” film, can be seen in this version saying "Gentlemen, we’re in the water business".
- Freedom (Film Version 1)
- Freedom (Film Version 2)
The common version on bootleg compilations over the years is taken directly from the film Version #1. And when it was re-released on DVD in 2010, a new cut was made including some alternate scenes (an exclusive Harrison/Clapton scene for example), we will call that Film Version #2, cut in Widesceen from the original film tapes adding even more picture on the sides that is not available in the original print that let us see a few more Harrison (and many other members of the band, like Clapton) shots . But these two versions are not promotional videos, but worth mention them.
Video Link1989
Tom Petty: I Won’t Back DownDirected by David Leland. The backing band consisted of Jeff Lynne on bass, George Harrison on acoustic guitar, Mike Campbell on lead guitar, and Ringo Starr on drums.
Almost replicating the same personnel from the studio recording, except for Ringo that didn’t play but Phil Jones.
Video Link1990
Jeff Lynne: Every Little Thing Directed by Meiert Avis. George plays on the studio recording and also sings three times on this song the line "All the secrets that you hide" at 1:33 and also at 2:42 and the shorter line "the secrets that you hide" at 3:24, but that’s not all. Harrison and Tom Petty make surprise cameos in this video, hanging from a rope from 2:36 to 2:58.
Also versions with and without copyright over the picture at the end are available. The version on bootleg compilations is taken from a TV broadcast with credits over it, but a clean copy with slate circulates among collectors. The way this animated video was created at that time makes little harder to see some hidden details, gladly the Harrison cameo is more clear.
Video LinkJeff Lynne: Lift Me Up The follow up for the “Every Little Thing” video, also directed by Meiert Avis using the same mix with 3D animation. George plays on the song but also makes a brief and almost unnoticeable cameo dressed as a devil at 2:59 and until 3:03. Sadly the version that appears over and over on FAB’s collections and other labels is taken from a VH1 broadcast with logos and the intro slightly cropped. The full video including the slate is available among collectors. The way this animated video was created at that time makes little harder to see some hidden details, including George’s cameo. Hopefully Jeff Lynne will release an official collection of his solo videos in the future to get a better version.
Video Link1995
Gary Wright: Don’t Try to Own MeDirected by Michael Schultz, features Harrison doing some backing vocals that were recorded back in 1992. It circulates with slate and final credits among collectors. Outtake footage also exists from this vocal session and some of these scenes were included on the final video.
Video LinkOfficial videos from other artists. George plays on these tracks but does not make any video cameos.
1973: Cheech And Chong - Basketball Jones
1989: Belinda Carlisle: Leave a light on
1992: Jimmy Nail: Real Love
2001: Jim Capaldi: Anna Julia
George plays guitar on the record but does not appear on the official clip. A FAKE fan-created video using George footage from the ‘Real Love’ video and the ‘All Things must Pass 30th” EPK was inserted during his guitar solo and uploaded on youtube years ago, and many fans thought that THAT was the real promo video, it’s also featured on bootleg compilations, but the actual clip does NOT feature any Harrison footage.
Another Jim Capaldi promo for the song “Oh Lord, Why Lord?” from 1990, that supposedly features a cameo from Harrison is not in circulation.
Breaking Myths:1-“My Sweet Lord” from Top of The Pops 1971 (Pans People dancers) is NOT an official video.
2-“My Sweet Lord (2000)” official video never existed.
3- There is no official video for “Someplace Else”, also included on bootleg compilations. The clip we see on the ‘Dark Horse Years’ box set comes from the TV special ‘Handmade in Hong Kong’, a behind the scenes look at the film.
4- George Harrison does not play on Roy Orbison’s “You Got It”, despite some bootleg labels have included the official video for this song on their Beatle/Harrison compilations.
Songs from TV shows, like "The Pirate Song" from Rutland TV, or "This Song" from DISCO German TV, or "Between The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea" from Jools Holland TV special are not promotional videos, even though you can find them on every bootleg promo collection compilation, the same situation is the full Harrison Prince’s Trust performances and Dylan’s celebration concert, among others, that’s just a cheap way to fill a “promo compilation” because the makers don’t have enough stuff to compile the ULTIMATE video collection.